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Kate Wolf News

News about Kate Wolf related releases and events.

New Kate Wolf Album: Live In Mendocino

Max Wolf

Kate's family released a new collection on June 28th at the 2018 Kate Wolf Music Festival. Recorded at Mendocino concerts from 1979 to 1982, the album includes previously unreleased Kate Wolf songs and features Nina Gerber.

20 Tracks • 76 Minutes
$13 Compact Disc
$8 Digital Download Sticker

Successfully funded by Kate’s fans and friends on Kickstarter

Kate Wolf’s affinity for the California coast is reflected in this collection of twenty songs from Mendocino area concerts, including eight previously unreleased (three by Kate).

New Kate Wolf Website

Max Wolf


Kate's family is happy to report that we've completely overhauled the Official Kate Wolf Website. We started 23 years ago, in 1995! Last revamped in 1998, it was time for a new look.

Bonnie Kate Wolf, Kate's granddaughter as well as an accomplished illustrator and graphic designed, brought our site into the modern age, and Kate's son Max incorporated modern e-commerce and transferred the content.

We hope you enjoy the new site as we say hello to the new year and goodbye to the old site!

Fare thee well old site

Old Kate Wolf Website

Kate Wolf 75th Birthday Concert

Max Wolf

On January 27, 2017, we raised over $7,000 for Wavy Gravy's Camp Winnarainbow during an evening of fantastic music and stories!

Download the Concert Program (6MB)

Original Announcement & Posters


Kate Wolf 75th Birthday Concert
and Benefit for Camp Winnarainbow
Friday, January 27, 2017
Freight & Salvage, Berkeley, California

Kate Wolf's family is organizing a concert in memory of the late California folk singer/songwriter on her 75th birthday. The Freight & Salvage in Berkeley hosts the concert on Friday, January 27, 2017. The concert will benefit Camp Winnarainbow, Wavy Gravy's circus and performing arts camp for economically disadvantaged youth.

Kate often performed at the Freight & Salvage when it was a small coffee house that held under 100 people. Performers warmed up in the stock room, and Kate (and her son) sold records from the stage during intermission. She also participated in many benefits at the Freight and in Berkeley, so we'd like to extend the tradition by having this party also be a benefit...this time for Camp Winnarainbow.

Nina Gerber, who performed with Kate during most of her career, will accompany throughout the evening. Nina and Chris Webster open the evening and are followed by the Cache Valley Drifters, who appeared on Kate's first two albums. A set of songs in the round features Sherry Austin, who recorded a Kate Wolf tribute album, and also Don Coffin and Hugh Shacklett, early collaborators with Kate. Poor Man's Whiskey, who also recorded a Kate Wolf tribute album, finishes up the evening. Then everyone will gather on stage to close with Kate's Give Yourself To Love. Wavy Gravy and Bill Amatneek emcee.

The Evening Features

Nina Gerber
Accompanied Kate during most of her career.

Poor Man’s Whiskey
Kate Wolf Music Festival repeat favorite.
Recorded a Kate Wolf tribute album.

The Cache Valley Drifters
Members appeared on and co/produced Kate's albums.

Chris Webster with Nina Gerber
Recorded Kate's Lay Me Down Easy.

Sherry Austin
Recorded a Kate Wolf tribute album.

Don Coffin
Member of The Wildwood Flower on Kate's first two albums.

Hugh Shacklett
Performed and co-wrote with Kate.

Bill Amatneek emcee
Performed and co-wrote with Kate.

Wavy Gravy  emcee
Friend to Kate and ice cream flavor.

Kate's family hopes you'll join us for a wonderful evening of Kate Wolf memories and songs.

Kate's First Three Albums Back in Print on Owl Records Thanks to Fans (& Kickstarter)

Max Wolf

Thanks to support from her friends and fans, Kate’s family released her first three albums on her original Owl Records label. This was accomplished through our second Kickstarter, which also resulted in reprinting A Kate Wolf Retrospective, radio station KRCB's album of the first Kate Wolf festival)

Back Roads, originally released on Kate's Owl Records in 1976.

Back Roads, originally released on Kate's Owl Records in 1976.

Lines On The Paper, originally released on Kate's Owl Records in 1977.

Lines On The Paper, originally released on Kate's Owl Records in 1977.

Safe At Anchor, originally release on Kaleidoscope Records in 1979.

Safe At Anchor, originally release on Kaleidoscope Records in 1979.

Original 1976 LP Disc Artwork

Original 1976 LP Disc Artwork

New 2017 CD Label for Back Roads

New 2017 CD Label for Back Roads