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Using a Kate Wolf Song

Using A Kate Wolf Song

If you'd like to use a Kate Wolf song in a wedding, book, recording or other adventure, please read on. And Kate's family thanks you for sharing her music with others!


Using Give Yourself To Love or another Song in a Wedding or Other Personal Event

Every year, Kate's family receives requests from couples who wish to use Give Yourself To Love at their weddings. Our reply: by all means... go ahead! And warm wishes from us.

If you need sheet music, you'll find it in the Kate Wolf Songbook. We also sell individual leadsheets for guitar.

Kate Wolf Songbook
Leadsheet - Give Yourself To Love

Another Sundown Publishing Company

Record A Kate Wolf Song on an Album

Would you like to record one of Kate's songs and release it on an album? Wonderful! Please send the following information to and we’ll follow up with next steps:

  1. Title(s) of the Kate Wolf song(s)

  2. Artist name

  3. Artist website (if available)

  4. Album name (if applicable)

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Video Sharing Services

Many many folks have recorded Kate’s songs and shared them via services such as YouTube and Zoom (here are a few). No special permission is needed for this type of use. Kate’s family thanks you for sharing her music with others! And if you post, please send the video link to so we can listen!

Kate with Frisbee.png

Other Uses, Including a Book or Movie

Please contact us at