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Kate Wolf - Lines On The Paper

Kate Wolf
Lines On The Paper


Listen to 1-minute clips here or full songs on YouTube and Spotify.

Original Liner Notes

This is a second album of songs from the north coast of California. Kate is a singer, songwriter and radio personality who lives with her husband Don, two children, two dogs, one cat and nine chickens on 3 acres outside of Santa Rosa.

Her band, The Wildwood Flower, includes Don, Paul, Barlow and Blair (featured on OWL 001, “Back Roads”). They are joined on this record by several friends and four members of the Cache Valley Drifters, David, Cyrus, Bill & Wally.

Like “Back Roads,” this record was recorded live in a living room over a period of one week with almost no overdubbing. The band, sound crew and cooks took over the bunkhouse at Chanslor Ranch overlooking the Pacific Ocean, with horses and sheep on the hillsides and pinball machines a 5-minute drive away in Bodega Bay.
We invite you to listen to these lines on the paper and share that time with us.


Kate Wolf  vocals, guitar
Eddie B. Barlow  dobro, harmony vocal
Wally Barnick  bass
Rick Byars  guitar
Don Coffin  harmonica, mandolin, harmony vocal
Cyrus Clarke   guitar
John Croizat  fiddle
Paul Ellis  fiddle, violin
Bill Griffin  bass, harmony vocal
Blair Hardman  bass, whistle
Jim Nail  accordion
Gary Roda  pedal steel
David West  guitar


Produced by: Kate Wolf and Dan Dugan
Arranged by: all the musicians
Engineering: Dan Dugan, Roger Gans and Cathy Coogan
LP jacket design: Michael Hawes
Compact disc design: Beth Weil
Photos: Ron Blanchette, Karl Metzenberg, and others

In Memory of Gil "Jellyroll" Turner

Release History

1977  Owl Records OL-003
1979  Kaleidoscope Records F-7
1994  Rhino Records 71480
2017  Owl Records OWL-003