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Kate Wolf – Live In Mendocino

Kate Wolf collection of live concerts recording in Mendocino County, California from 1979 to 1982.

Live In Mendocino

Released June 28, 2018.  Successfully funded on Kickstarter!

Photo by Nicholas Wilson.

Photo by Nicholas Wilson.

Bringing Live In Mendocino to Life

Kate Wolf had a great affinity for the California coast, and she frequently performed in Mendocino County venues in the middle years of her career. When Nicholas Wilson told Kate’s family that he had recorded many of these shows, we were excited about the prospect of releasing them. Nick's 15 hours of tapes were made directly from the soundboard at each concert, and he painstakingly digitized nearly 200 song performances. We then turned to Nina Gerber, Kate’s long time accompanist, who had compiled two other posthumous Kate Wolf collections. Her deep and intimate familiarity with Kate’s music, along with a desire for quality that matched Kate’s, resulted in a selection of 20 tracks that we feel beautifully represent Kate. We’re particularly delighted about the inclusion of three previously unreleased Kate Wolf songs (lyrics).


Kate Wolf   vocals, guitar
Nina Gerber   harmony vocals, mandolin, harmonica, guitar
Ford James   harmony vocals, bass
Rick Byars   harmony vocals, bass

20 Tracks • 76 Minutes

Listen to the 1-minute clips below to get a taste of the album. Kate’s friends and fans brought the album to life via Kickstarter. The album includes three “new” Kate Wolf songs (lyrics) as well as five songs written by others that have not appeared on Kate Wolf albums.

Nina Gerber, Kate Wolf and Ford James at Crown Hall in Mendocino in 1982. Photo by Nicholas Wilson.

Nina Gerber, Kate Wolf and Ford James at Crown Hall in Mendocino in 1982. Photo by Nicholas Wilson.


Compiled and Produced by Max Wolf
Sound Service and Recording by Nicholas Wilson
Mastered by Gary Mankin
Music Consulting by Nina Gerber
Photographs by Nicholas Wilson

Recorded at Crown Hall in Mendocino, Greenwood Oasis in Elk, and The Well in Mendocino 1979 to 1982

Release History

2018  Owl Records OWL-018


Mendocino in the 1970s. Photo by Nicholas Wilson.

Mendocino in the 1970s. Photo by Nicholas Wilson.

Kate Wolf at Crown Hall in Mendocino in 1982. Photo by Nicholas Wilson.

Kate Wolf at Crown Hall in Mendocino in 1982. Photo by Nicholas Wilson.


Kate Wolf “Live in Mendocino”!!
Feb. 12, 2019
Review by Tim Van Schmidt. Excerpt:
The recently released collection of live recordings by folk icon Kate Wolf, “Live in Mendocino,” is like a beautiful love letter. You can hear it in the way she uses her voice on her own songs and those by others. She loves the words and wraps her warm vocals all around them, cherishing their power. She can be bright and happy, but also moody when it comes to the struggles and triumphs of the heart.
If you haven’t pulled out your old Kate Wolf records in a while, don’t. Just go ahead and get a copy of “Live in Mendocino”- you will feel Wolf’s love anew. If you haven’t heard Wolf yet, this CD is an excellent place to start- it has everything that still makes Wolf’s songs and voice an enduring legend. more…