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Kate Wolf DVD FAQ

An Evening In Austin


This page is for anyone who has questions about playing the Kate Wolf An Evening In Austin DVD or who experiences problems.  You can also visit our DVD Product and Order Form pages.

DVD Contents

  • An Evening In Austin
    1985 • 75-minute concert, color, stereo • printed lyric booklet

  • Here In California
    1980 • 29-minute studio concert, color, mono

  • Musical Interview
    1975 • 56 minutes, B&W, mono

  • Photo Gallery

  • Kate Wolf Biography

DVD Player Compatibility

Like other mass-produced DVDs, An Evening In Austin is compatible with most DVD players.

  • NTSC Format: Plays on US and Canada players (those countries use the NTSC standard).  Many DVD players in Europe and other regions can read NTSC discs and output the required local format to the television: check your player's documentation.

  • Zone/Region: the DVD is "region-free".  This means it can be played on any DVD machine in the world regardless of zone (subject to NTSC playback of course).

  • Dual Layer: the DVD is dual layer.  Some older DVD players or computers may not be able to read dual layer disks.

Playback Problems & Troubleshooting

  1. The DVD won't play at all.
    See the compatibility section above.
    Try another dual-layer NTSC disc to verify that your player supports the format.
    If the disc is damaged, see "Disc Exchange" below.

  2. The audio on the extras content does not work properly.  The main program plays fine.
    The audio on the extras is Dolby encoded.  The main program is uncompressed audio (higher quality than Dolby). If the problem persists after trying these next two steps, send us an email with the manufacture, model, and year of all the devices on which you tried playing the DVD.

    1. If you experience a problem playing the DVD on a computer, upgrade your computer to the manufacturer's latest audio drivers.  Also, try the DVD on another computer or on a regular DVD player.
    2. If you experience this problem on a standard DVD player, try playing the disc on another DVD player to narrow down whether the problem is with the player or the DVD itself.

  3. The Focus Musical Interview segment is black and white and has glitches.
    This is expected: the video was made in 1975 and was restored as best as possible from an old tape from Kate's personal video archive.  The segment is included as a free extra for fans with an interest in Kate Wolf's musical history. 

  4. There is a brief pause before the last song in the An Evening In Austin segment.
    Because the concert is too long to fit on one layer of the disk, a break is necessary.  The amount of time that the show pauses varies by DVD player, but it should be brief and does not occur during a song.

  5. My player indicates that all the segments are encoded with Dolby except An Evening In Austin.

    "Dolby" indicates that the audio is compressed.  The An Evening In Austin segment is uncompressed "PCM" audio, providing the most faithful reproduction of the performance.

  6. The text in some segments scrolls too fast/slow.
    You can pause or fast forward while reading.  Some players allow you to view at half- or double-speed.

Known Problems

No playback problems have been reported with manufactured Kate Wolf DVDs.

Scratched & Damaged Disc Exchange

As with all DVDs and CDs, discs may be accidentally damaged and become unplayable.  Kate's family wants you to enjoy her music and not incur the full expense of replacing a disc.  We would be happy to send you a replacement for your damaged disc.  Just send $5 ($8 outside of North America) and the damaged DVD (only the disc, not the box) to:
     Owl Productions
     P.O. Box 151208
     San Rafael, CA 94915 USA
If you have any questions, please contact us.

An Evening In Austin

The DVD Contains:

An Evening In Austin
  1985 Austin City Limits performance
Here in California
  1980 public cable performance
Musical Interview
  1975 interview and songs in Kate’s backyard
Photo Gallery
  50 photos from Kate’s musical and personal life
Lyric Booklet
  Printed lyrics for the 15 Austin City Limits songs

Total Time: 2 hours, 40 minutes.

All Regions: plays in all U.S./Canada DVD players and all other worldwide zone players that can play the NTSC format.