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Kate Wolf - Poet's Heart

Kate Wolf
Poet's Heart

Thanks to fans’ support of Our Kickstarter campaign, Poet’s Heart is back in Print

Kate's Final Studio Album

Awarded 1986 Best Folk Album by NAIRD.


Listen to 1-minute clips here or full songs on YouTube and Spotify.


Kate Wolf   lead vocals, guitar, piano
Mike Auldridge   dobro, steel guitar
Nina Gerber   guitar, harmonica
Bill Griffin   mandolin, Fender bass
David Keif   acoustic bass
Tom Lee   acoustic bass
Peggy Nageotte   harmony vocal
Kim Robertson   Celtic harp
Phil Salazar   fiddle
Alan Thornhill   vocals, guitar
Beth Weil   harmony vocal
Max Wolf   percussion
Martin Young   guitar

Mike Auldridge courtesy of Sugar Hill Records


Produced by: Bill Griffin & Kate Wolf
Musical arrangements: Bill Griffin
Engineered by Daniel Protheroe
Recorded at Santa Barbara Sound Recording, Santa Barbara, California, February through May 1985
Additional recording by Bill McElroy at Bias Recording, Springfield, Virginia and by Oliver DiCicco at Mobius Music, San Francisco, California
Mastered by Bernie Grundman Mastering, Hollywood, California
Photography: Victor Budnik
Album Design: Elizabeth Weil
Proofreading: Terry Fowler

Release History

1985  Kaleidoscope Records F-24
1994  Rhino Records 71484
2020 Owl Records OWL-011

- to all the poets and friends whose words and thoughts appear in these songs - especially Eric Bogle, Utah Phillips, Luke Breit, Judy Mayhan, Doug Boyd and the late Stan Rogers
- to Bill & Daniel for not letting go of the vision and for all the hours they spent working for love
- to Martin, Alan, Mike, Beth, Kim, Nina, Max and all the musicians who made this music come alive
- to Victor and Diane whose generosity and good humor made the photo sessions fun
- to Hannah who is so open with her heart and her life
- to Terry for sharing the dream and mastering the learn-as-you-go method of single parenthood while I was away

We live in a world torn between wanting to listen to the sound of a flower growing and wanting to ignore the sound of the sky falling. By sometimes being sensitive enough to the first process we acquire the energy necessary to prevent the second.
- Author unknown


Weekend Magazine
February 21, 1986
San Francisco's Wolf sings with an unhurried sureness that indicates a keen understanding of life's tolls as well as its rewards. Her songwriting patiently sketches in characters, landscapes and leisurely melodies without ever forcing anything. As the elements in her songs slowly drop into place, they give a reassuring sense of acceptance without submission.

Her new album contains nine new original songs. Sometimes her lyrics get a bit vague and overly wholesome, but at their best they encapsulate a whole life in the image of a deserted house, a jewelry box or a handsewn pillow. The relaxed, restrained string-band arrangements are perfect for the reflective ballads. The two standout songs are "Slender Thread" and "In China or a Woman's Heart," each of which traces the history of a marriage with remarkable completeness.